Bender in the Grass 2018

Bender in the Grass
Notably Australia’s favourite festival and drawing the biggest crowds to Byron Bay! Splendour in the Grass 2018 just went down as yet another sun drenched, smile infused, music nirvana! Not to be forgotten and never to be missed!
Drawing people from all over Australia and beyond, Splendour in the Grass descended upon Byron Bay over the weekend of the July 20th for 3 jam packed days of electric tunes, great friends and a rage of statement fashion.
From one-day festival goers spending their day boogieing from stage to stage, to those camping and calling the Splendour festival site home, this year’s Splendour festival style was just as important and dazzling as the long list of amazing artists.
It’s never to early to start planning for a festival and with this in mind, our collection of leather back packs, leather bum bags, leather bags, belts and leather wallets walked out the door and headed straight to the festival fashion styling hit list!