5 Min With: Francisco Tavoni

Francisco Tavoni is well known amidst the fashion scene in Byron Bay, his photography space, Studio Tropico is thriving and attracting some big labels around Australia. So, we thought it was the perfect time to catch up with him after he shot the latest Stitch & Hide Summer 18 Campaign.
Born and raised in Venezuela, he left for Dublin, Ireland at the ripe age of 12 where he first picked up a camera and began photographing skinheads at school. Returning to his hometown in the Caribbean for a short stint, he eventually found himself in Byron Bay, spearheading one of the biggest clothing label’s in the area and co-founding Studio Tropico.
As a fashion photographer, he has shot campaigns for the likes of Liberated Heart, Eye of Horus Cosmetics, Sabre Eyewear and Thrills Co. His folio presents beautifully staged frames of compelling muses in a surreal backdrop giving off a film set aura.
After working on our breathtaking Girls Night Out Summer Shoot just last month, we sat down with Fran for 5 minutes to ask him a few questions we have been dying to know!
How would you describe yourself to a stranger?
As Willy Wonka.
How did you get into the world of photography?
When I was 13, I was living in Ireland and started photographing skinhead kids from around the area.
Who influences and inspires your work?
Neil Krug, Christopher Anderson also Grant Tyrell. Also Ming Nomchong that I work closely with (at Studio Tropico).
Can you share your biggest triumph to date?
Starting and selling my own clothing label.
What’s in the pipeline for the rest of the year?
Going back to dance in Berlin.
What essentials do you carry in your bag/wallet at all times?
An Origami, a Prayer and a photo of my mum.
One thing on your bucket list?
Travelling to Tavarua and Fiji.
Guilty Pleasures?
Daily Mantra?
"Shivo’ Ham”
(A mantra meaning ‘I am Shiva,’ and sometimes translated as “I am pure consciousness,” reflecting the oneness of all creation and the unity with the higher self.